Category: ina

charice break

i was one of those who, upon hearing that charice was going to audition for glee, nervously asked: but can she act?   hindi kaya tayo mapahiya?   well, she passed the auditions, what a relief that was, and now that i’ve seen her debut in glee 2, what can i say but wow! has she levelled UP!   good job, charice!   and good job, america! i’ve always said that the u.s. is tops in the entertainment performance arts, and i’m just so happy for charice.    oh, and also for katrina, whose essay The Charice Challenge, special feature on, is breaking readership & “recommend” records.   great timing, howie ;))

katrina, sarah, facebook

katrina a.k.a. radikalchick is blogging again, hurray!   check out her post on randy and sarah (mabuhay, vic agustin!) and another on the rich-in-black shopping for art (how rich talaga) and another on the latest harry potter flick (tears for dumbledore).

and to her dear friends and allies (you know who you are) who are upset dismayed aghast that she has deactivated her facebook account, what can i say, other than to assure you that she’s okay, she’s coping, she’s functioning, she’s fine, as fine as one can be, given what she’s been through and continues to go through.

it’s a different world, literally and figuratively, that she’s moving around these days, and facebook was all about u.p. and ateneo, reminder of a past life that’s over for now.

i confess, i was surprised, but i was glad (seemed to me way overdue pa nga) even if i sorta miss facebook, haha.   she had given me her password so i could check it out once in a while.   indeed, occasionally, i found something worth lifting and quoting, even found some old friends (also from a past life) who may have befriended her to let me know they’re still alive.

but in the last few months katrina had been barely status-ing, really, and whenever she did, it said very little about her true status anyway.   her blog is more telling, i would think.

fair warning though:  she’s seriously considering a change of SIM.   now that would be radikal!


check out radical chick‘s take on the u.p. friday the 13th riot that found burgis youth freaking out, as in OhMyGodWhatTheFuckIDON’TWANTTODIE, and suggesting that the u.p. admin close the university and limit access only to u.p. people.  haha, as if u.p. were close-able.  and, hey, what does it tell us about these u.p. youth and about u.p. diliman today.  how burgis naman talaga.

in fairness, alex maximo’s post in reaction to radicalchick’s is gracious and thoughtful, more agreeable than defensive, pero defensive pa rin, of course — he was misinterpreted, he wasn’t done, it’s a stream of consciousness in process.  well, possibly.  benefit of the doubt, just because some of the thoughts are worth remarking on.  particularly the ones regarding that clear line drawn between the jologs and the burgis, and about being burgis:

For the longest time, I have been arguing that the discourse of the blogosphere is the discourse of the burgis. At one point, I considered playing the anti-burgis role in the blogosphere but dropped the thought altogether. The fact remains that I am burgis and all the people I know who blog are burgis too. I’ve resigned to the fact that there will always be struggle between classes and, as a member of the petty-bourgeois, it is inevitable for me to acknowledge the differences between social classes.

Whether the burgis guns for egalitarianism in their discourse or not is based on their own ideologies and now I do agree with Manolo in his answer to a question I personally asked him – that the blogosphere’s voice is heterogeneous.

In the context of the anti-jolog sentiment, even some of the kindest people I know who were in the Fair that night drew the line between themselves and the jologs. I really do understand why people think this current blogging discourse on the UP Fair is quite “classist.” I really do. Maybe I’d be with them in this one if not for that delectable experience of being in the middle of a sea of angry jologs with barbecue sticks and water bottles who were cursing UP, the fair, the organizers, etc…

… Oh well. I’m sounding too defensive to my distaste. I’d be a bigot for now and if this becomes a prime example of classism then I think I have strengthened one of my points regarding hegemony and the discourse of the Philippine blogosphere. Quite interesting to find myself as part of the dominant bloc in this one.

good honest thoughts, these that grapple with conflicted values.  the clearly sensed perceived line between burgis and jologs is the very line that has to be crossed, and deleted, if there is to be any hope for inangbayan.  after all, burgis and jologs share many common interests, good and honest governance, transparency and the right to information, among many others.

we are them.  they are us.  ang sakit ng kalingkingan ay sakit ng buong katawan.  being burgis but concerned for the masa shouldn’t, doesn’t have to, be so hard.  some tibaks have gotten the hang of it and do a pretty good job at balancing things.

the burgis youth have as much to learn from the masa, as the masa youth from the burgis.   imagine if burgis and masa were friends that night in u.p.  that raw energy could have been channeled constructively — they could have together helped bring down those fences to accommodate everyone along some arrangement that would keep everyone happy in place.  and the next day they could together have ganged up on the concert organizers and given them hell (well, rotten tomatoes at least, and maybe some baho tsinelas) for inciting violence.  ang saya sana.

new kid on the blog

yehey! my daughter katrina has finally stepped out of her multiply closet, it’s about time, as she has a lot to say, too, manang-mana, ‘ika nga.

but where i was a sixties college drop-out and learned and earned my credits in the school of hard knocks, she’s done it the good-girl academic way, grounded in comparative lit and philippine studies, with a touch of tibak, pero medyo burgis.

and where i started out writing strictly showbiz stuff and slowly worked my way up to politics, she’s already writing about it all, and more.

my all-time favorite is incredible kris that she wrote at the height of the ball-breaking krisaquino-joeymarquez scandal, which we emailed to all our friends on the internet and which came back to us, full circle, from everywhere around the globe.

of course we got some hate mail, too, hehe.