The Great Conjunction


Tonight and tomorrow dawn will be a perfect time to intensify prayer, meditation, positive intentions to kickstart positive shifts and look up to the sky to see a fantastic rare celestial event called the Great Conjunction of the planets Saturn and Jupiter (in 0.29 degrees of the Aquarius constellation). This degree position can be likened to a seed which holds the potential of the great tree that the seed can grow into.Just google the internet to learn more but this event as everyone is talking about it.

In a nutshell from my astro-evolutionary understanding: this event pushes humanity into intensified changes plus a new trajectory and paradigm of consciousness: the “new norm” that we are all struggling to define now. It is about creating new sustainable structures that benefit the many and not just one; of drawing in spiritual energies into the practicality of our daily lives; of choices that support life aligned to the planet and not just profit; of collaborations for the good and that the way is collective and not alone.

More remarkable in its timing, the great conjunction happens at the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year and the annual cycle of “deepest slumber of the soul”. How potent a timing this is as the planetarial alignments trigger a new awakening of humanity’s soul at its galactic connection to God’s multiverse.

Ancient and present day astronomers and astrologers have followed and studied similar events in the past identifying these points as the beginning of a new leap on consciousness on the macro level where new socio-spiritual-cultural movements begin: as it was seen as the Bethlehem star highlighting the Christos Light descending into human form,

Galileo’s study of this that began the intense studies of space and the beginning of the Renaissance period in the west. Some say last this was seen was back 400, 600, 800 years back. With so much info online what we can say is that on a personal level, it will mark intense changes towards a new and different trajectory whether you are ready or not.

As someone who reads the stars, I can only marvel in awe at the perfection of timing of the Divine Intelligence. So let us take the shift with no fear, let the old structures that do not work…go, let healing embrace you and be open to the radically different. (For those who know their birth charts, check the degree and house where Aquarius is in your chart, that’s where you will see the push where the shift of your life will come from.)
