praying for a pro-RH, pro-divorce, pro-gaymarriage pope

but mercury is retrograde in pisces until the 16th, so if a pope gets elected by then, chances are the chosen one would be a conservative.  if some time after, when mercury is again moving forward in earnest, then there’s hope for a forward-looking one, hopefully like john paul the 1st, though god forbid that he meet the same end.  but if conservative, i am sincerely praying it won’t be our own cardinal tagle just because it would most likely mean a hundred steps backward for reproductive health hereabouts, and who knows what else.


  1. Your prayers will be heard,at 55 yrs old,Cardinal Tagle is the youngest “papabile” which I believe will be his disadvantage. Besides, Card. Tagle’s charisma to influence new moral dimension on Vatican’s doctrinal position on raging issues against the Church will not catapult him to grab the traditional papalship change. The Vatican has its own agenda for its survival.

  2. hI, ACTUALLY, Cardinal Tagle is more than qualified as viewed by analyst internationally. But like Jessica Sanchez or Pacquiao against Bradley, racial superiority was more a deciding factor. btw, i read once that the modern Vatican hierarchy was under the grand design of the “Jesuit mafia” in its inner circle decisions.

  3. Why do you need license from the Church and society, both of which have values and principles that are against gay marriage. I thought you believe that marriage is personal, not social.

    Don’t demand acceptance. Read anthropological and sociological studies. Society doesn’t and cannot accept the totality of a person.

    Be realistic and tolerant of other people’s beliefs.