Category: satur sulit


Satur Sulit

we are an anarchy
ungovernable are we
of homo sapiens sapiens
a distinct variety
we are anarchicus
philippinensis strain
freed by the fuller
use of our brains
pushed to our limits
the brain compensates
untapped regions of sulci
are stirred and awake!
overpower us, subject us
we turn inward, play the fool
until finally they give up
we are impossible to rule
anarchicus are we
no masters we serve
men are naturally wired
to govern themselves
we are proof thereof
the race of the free
governors and governments


Satur Sulit

August 21, 2007

twenty-four years

since the gundown

a coward’s doing

begets a hero.

we imagine a hero

against all odds

facing a dreaded enemy

and dying or prevailing

in the instance.

but there on the tarmac

that sunday noon

the enemy was invisible

is unnamed even now

the one who could not face him

who wanted him dead.

ninoy knew it

knew his enemies that way

he said if they wanted to

it wouldn’t take long

twenty seconds max

and it was.

he went to a not unscheduled death

not to slay but to expose

the heart of his enemy.

ninoy did not rush into battle

he knelt to his death

to free us

and freed us

from an enemy

unnamed even now.


Satur Sulit

This life we are cast into, I see
is not meant by those who design it to be easy
only to be liveable at best
and exploitable at least.
Modern life is founded, it seems,
on catechism’s seven capital sins
Pride, Lust, Envy, and Gluttony,
Avarice, Sloth and what else?
and Wrath, of course, what drives a man to kill.
Controlling these desires is the core of all religion,
battling them the only worthy passion
Victory, it is told, spiritualizes the man,
reveals him to be more than just animal
accomplishing him in his true being
in touch with the heavens.
Yet it is these very sins
constantly awakened in us by this modern world
of money, created by and for money
in the name of Economy, religion be damned
our lives pre-empted in the service and satisfaction
of our capital desires
And so we are herded away from heaven
and lured into the embrace of our captors
for a life in a zoo.


Satur Sulit

power ascends, descends
masses form, combine
powers are gained, are lost
masses reach critical, explode
power transfers, power stays
masses listen, masses wait