ninoy’s letters

my father was a great fan of ninoy aquino, which is why i have a copy of the small yellow book of Ninoy Letters from prison & exile published by the aquino family and la ignaciana apostolic center in october 1983.

the six letters and two speeches span 10 years, the first from his prison cell in june 1973, the last the speech he would have given upon his return from exile 25 years ago, had he not been assassinated.

I have decided to challenge death. I do not believe I’m sinning against my creator because in the end, I am not really my own executioner. By my example, I hope I can inspire two others. Like the dominoes, one has to fall to create the chain reaction.”


  1. […] published by the aquino family and la ignaciana apostolic center in october 1983. the six letters Wexler: Co-owner of Atlantic Records who produced Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin and Dusty […]