flashback 23 feb 1986

day two of EDSA, the 23rd of february, was the day we surprised ourselves, and the world, with People Power.

that sunday morning the people came streaming in to edsa in the tens of thousands, prepared to stay the whole day or longer, prepared to act as human shields and protect the small rebel forces from the military might of marcos. the enrile-ramos campaign had worked, the people were offering support, except that it was obviously a conditional kind, as they were wearing cory’s yellow colors and chanting cory’s name.

earlier that morning general ramos, who had moved back to camp crame headquarters across the highway (his turf as chief of the pc and integrated national police) had jogged to aguinaldo. because defections were not pouring in, he suggested that enrile and his reformists consolidate forces with him in crame, which was smaller and easier to defend. but the reformists were not hot about it; anyway there was no immediate threat. or, why not the other way around, that is, ramos could move his forces to aguinaldo.

but as the sun rose to its zenith things started coming to a head. in cebu cory faced the press and called for marcos to resign, before flying back to manila. in fort bonifacio the marines who had to be pulled out of the palace were finally gathering and preparing for the assault on the edsa camps under the command of general artemio tadiar.

at 12 noon marcos was on tv again, scoffing at demands that he resign. he also presented two more soldiers who confessed to being part of the coup plot led by the reformist forces of enrile and ramos.

at 1:30 p.m. while marcos was still facing the press, saying that the presence of a large number of civilians outside the camps did not bother him at all, ver finally ordered the marines to move out and head for edsa.

at 2:00 p.m. enrile prepared to move out of the defense ministry in camp aguinaldo.

at 2:15 p.m. the 1st Marine Provisional Division finally jumped off fort bonifacio with tadiar in the lead vehicle. it was a formidable column, spearheaded by armor. witnesses counted 6 (others say 7) tanks, 10 APC’s, 8 jeeps, and 13 six-by-six trucks. the column rolled through forbes road and turned right into EDSA.

at 2:20 p.m. cory’s plane landed in manila.

at 2:24 p.m. enrile and his men moved out of camp aguinaldo in tight formation. the sea of people parted to let them pass, linked arms to create a protective wall to shield them from snipers.

at 2:47 tanks were sighted along guadalupe rolling towards the camps. cory saw them, too. she was on edsa on the way to wackwack; her car moved alongside the tanks.

the crowds outside the rebel camps had grown from 500 at dawn (a lot of people had gone home to get some sleep) to over 500,000 by mid-afternoon.

as enrile crossed the highway to camp crame, the people were stopping tadiar’s tanks at the ortigas intersection. the high point of the uprising – synchronously significant events.

by abandoning aguinaldo and joining forces with ramos in crame, enrile betrayed the weakness of his position. it was an admission that he needed ramos more than ramos needed him, and, worse, it put him in no position to further pursue the presidency, which point must have been painfully driven home when he saw for himself how yellow the crowds were.

when the unarmed crowds stopped the tanks in that awesome display of people power, it sent the message loud and clear that the marcos regime was moribund and it was time for cory and enrile to get their act together and finish marcos off. easier said than done. cory was cold to the prospect of reconciliation — enrile was ninoy’s jailer. for his part, enrile considered himself more qualified for the presidency than an ordinary housewife.

that evening, doy laurel, just back from a meeting with enrile and ramos in crame, told cory of their proposal to set up a military-civilian junta. cory would be among the civilians along with cecilia munoz palma and senator lorenzo tananda. cory was cold to the idea. a junta arrangement presupposed military leadership. why should she allow herself to be sidelined when she had won the votes of ten million pinoys and enrile had not.

cory did not go public with any of this; rather, she continued to express support for the rebels on the airwaves. but behind the scenes, she sent a message, summoning enrile and ramos to wackwack. feeling and acting president na siya.

siyempre hindi magkasabay dumating ang dalawang bandido. they couldn’t both be gone from crame while there was a threat of an impending attack.

clearly, cory and enrile could behave no less grandly than the people who had risked and continued to risk life and limb to protect enrile in the name of cory. the two simply had to rise to the occasion and transcend personal interests. andso they did, if temporarily. cory rose above her resentment of the military, enrile rose above his ambition to become president, and space was created where the two could face each other without rancor, work out a deal acceptable to both, and join hands in a higher, common, cause.

in short, cory and enrile reconciled their differences for the sake of the nation, and not by butting heads but through creative negotiation. no doubt enrile came to the table with certain demands in exchange for his support. such as, surely, an end to the boycott of crony businesses, and, i’d bet, immunity from suit.

as for ramos, who knows what he asked for. possibly, cory’s annointment in the ’92 presidential elections.

check out www.stuartxchange.com [publications] for sources/documentation.

flashback 22 feb 1986

it was a saturday, day 7 of cory’s civil disobedience campaign. what a heady time that was when we were defying the dictator by changing day-to-day habits of a lifetime, like dropping the crony-owned manila bulletin and going for the mosquito press’ inquirer, malaya, or the manila times. snubbing coke and san miguel beer and going for fruit juices and gold eagle beer ba yon, even lambanog instead. and giving up magnolia ice cream and going for “dirty” ice cream na lang, sarap!

which was of course freaking out big business. how much of that, added to the huge withdrawals from crony banks, could the economy take? the pressure was building up on marcos to resign before the economy collapsed. it certainly looked like cory would be taking over sooner than later.

but unknown to us then, enrile and honasan’s reformist forces were poised to preempt cory. enrile was not only a crony, he was also the defense minister who had been edged out by ver from marcos’s inner circle and who wanted to be president. enrile and honasan had long been planning to stage a coup, except that they had to keep postponing it because the timing was bad – the first plan was for late ’83 but ninoy was assassinated while under the custody of the military; there was no way they’d get the support of the people whose hatred of the military was at its height. the second plan was for december 85 but marcos called snap elections; so nagpapogi na lang muna ang reformists by providing security for cory, even if they were sure na walang panalo si cory vs. marcos.

so nung biglang umarangkada si cory, refusing to concede and alleging cheating at the polls, at mabilis namayagpag ang kanyang civil disobedience campaign, biglang red alert sina enrile’t honasan, papayag ba silang maunahan, ma-preempt ng isang cory, isang ordinary housewife? malay niyang magpatakbo ng gobierno, ng military, ng bureaucracy?

by day 5 of the crony boycott, the reformists had set the coup for sunday, the 23rd, when they would launch a surprise attack on malacanang. ang problema, ver got wind of their plans and was fortifying the palace in anticipation of the attack. honasan realized it only that saturday morning when he reconnoitered the palace perimeter and found the gates heavily guarded by combat-ready marines. biglang no choice but to call off the planned coup. the question was, what to do. rumors were rife daw that they were going to be arrested, should they run and hide? enrile decided no, he would rather hole up in the defense ministry in camp aguinaldo, take a stand, die fighting.

siyempre wala namang kamalay-malay ang madlang pipol. so when radio veritas came out with the news late in the afternoon that enrile and ramos had defected and were about to hold a presscon in camp aguinaldo, wow, that was electrifying. perfect timing, i thought then, surely they would take cory’s side, just what she needed, her own armed forces. and in the presscon that was replayed over and over that night, enrile and ramos were clever enough to raise our hopes, saying  that indeed there was cheating in the snap polls, indeed marcos no longer represented the will of the people, sabay, we have no food.

cardinal sin
contrary to the notion that it was cardinal sin’s calls that brought the people to edsa, the fact is that the cardinal, until then a “critical collaborator” of the marcoses, took his sweet time before going on radio veritas, and the first time he did so was only to say that it was all right for the people to bring the rebels food if they wished, “they are our friends,” and only because people had been calling him, urging him to endorse the rebels.

in fact, marcos oppositionist/justice cecilia munoz palma was the first to go on air to declare support for the rebels. this encouraged butz aquino whose own gut feel was that it was no sarsuela, rather a chance to truly split the military, so he went to camp aguinaldo and offered enrile his support. (cory was in cebu attending a rally where she added more cronies to her boycott list). butz was the audacious one (kuya ninoy would have been proud of him) who was first to call on the people to come and protect the rebels, shield them with warm bodies to avert bloodshed. it was this non-violent strategy that finally convinced cardinal sin (that it was safe?) to call the people to edsa.

it helped of course that the cardinal eventually got around to it, but i’m convinced that had he not done so, edsa would have unfolded as it did anyway. because the people did not march to edsa just on his say-so or even butz’s. nakinig muna sila at nag-isip sila. people everywhere were tuned in to veritas, listening closely to replays of the presscon. and then around ten-thirty in the evening, marcos himself went on television to say he was in control of the situation and, more importantly, to accuse the rebels of a failed coup attempt. to prove it he paraded one witness after another, palace soldiers who were part of the plot and who read their confessions on cam.

the people
the president was telling the truth, but he had lied so many times in the past that the people thought he was just lying again to save his skin. the presscon ended around 11:15 pm. by butz’s account it was around 11:30 when people started streaming in to join his group in isetann, cubao, and that by the time they arrived at the camp gates, they had grown to an estimated 20 to 30 thousand in addition to other small groups already gathered there.

but many many more just went on listening to radio veritas, heard more opposition stalwarts endorsing the rebels, heard enrile deny the attempted coup, and then they slept on it.

for more details and thorough documentation, check out my brother’s website www.stuartxchange.com. click on publications. take your pick, a chronology in english (1996) or a critical essay in filipino (2000).

freudian slip of a bitch

just saw news video of governor joey salceda glibly saying: “she may be a bitch, but she’s the luckiest bitch around!” he wasn’t joking, oh no he wasn’t, because first he stopped, namutla, covered his mouth with one hand, ay, me tv coverage nga pala! (or something to that effect) – so kung walang tv coverage he would have said it anyway? then it would have gotten around anyway, and maybe he would have denied it a la neri, haha, as in, i don’t remember saying that.

now he’s saying it was a joke, a bad joke, calling her a bitch in an “intellectual discourse” with a group of economists and businessmen in ateneo. i heard laughter from the audience, i saw ciel habito et al grinning broadly, maybe even chuckling out loud, but surely not because nakakatawa yung sinabi ni salceda (nakakagimbal nga because it sorta corroborates “evil”) but because nakakatawa si salceda! akalain mo, NADULAS SIYA, mwahaha, i mean, L O L !

what it was certainly was a freudian slip of the tongue. how priceless! something he has been thinking, maybe even saying in private (again a la neri), but has been suppressing in public because, really, there’s conflict involved that puts his integrity, and his job, into question. why is he working for a bitch, even if she’s a lucky bitch, a bitch is a bitch, i.e., “an offensive woman, malicious, spiteful, domineering, intrusive, unpleasant.”

bakit siya nadulas? ah, his psychological well-being was at stake. the effort to suppress something significant that deserves to be shared, or bottling up emotions that deserve to be released, can be too much for the psyche. comes a time when the higher self takes over and moves one to speak one’s truth, no matter how radical, no matter how dangerous, no matter how bad the timing. lalo na’t the cat’s out of the bag about the economy. sabi nga ni ciel habito, the economy is “growing” not because of but in spite of gma. i’m sure kahit sinong ilagay natin diyan, the economy will “grow,” thanks to ofw remittances. (lucky bitch indeed.)

so is economic adviser salceda in hot water with the “evil” na “bitch” pa? there’s news that he has apologized not just once, but three times by text, and no reply. naku. if i were salceda, magre-resign na lang ako, be true to his higher self.

speaking of texts, the one re noli de castro and the girlfriend and dasma house is not true, sey ni lito banayo.

also got a text warning against fund-raising scams for jun lozada using the name of a mother superior, and another that shares lozada’s phone numbers so i can ask him the truth about the patriotic fund, how much did jamby pay him to lie? why did he ask gaite for money when binay contractor ernie canlas gave him P3 million before leaving for hongkong? at anong pinag-usapan nila ni joey de venecia nung sundan siya nito sa hongkong? at kung ano ano pa.

it’s up to lozada kung gusto niyang patulan ang walang patid na insinuations and accusations being hurled at him. as far as i’m concerned, none of it detracts from his testimony on the allegedly evil but lucky bitch.

noli in waiting?

i had been thinking along the same line as manila standard today columnist antonio c. abaya (no relation to the tony abaya who accompanied jun lozada to fely arroyo’s residence, and who is the husband of anabelle abaya, one-time presidential spokesperson in fvr’s time) regarding noli de castro as the constitutional alternative to ate glue should romy neri find the balls to tell all once and for all.

So, given the stark emptiness of the Philippine political landscape, is there any reason for Romulo Neri to break his silence and divulge all the sordid details he knows at first hand about corruption in high places, and thereby cause the House of Arroyo to come crashing down?

“We can only appeal to his patriotism. He can take some comfort from the fact that if President Arroyo is forced to step down, the constitutional successor is Vice President Noli de Castro, who is neither a “trapo” nor a communist nor a military mercenary, and has no known—to me, anyway—connections to any of the three.

“He lacks social pedigree and political kingdom, as Jun Lozada himself describes himself, and he definitely has no vision of a new order. But we have to make do with what we have. And who knows, given the right inputs from the right advisers, he may be able to craft and articulate that vision of that new order, between 2008 and 2010?

“At any rate, he couldn’t possibly do any worse than the pedigreed Arroyo or the self-styled king of the masa, Erap. If the middle class, the business and professional communities, civil society, the Churches and the idealistic elements of the military support this constitutional process, it would be a painless solution to our dilemma.

“The pedigreed presidential wannabes will certainly resist such a scenario since it would threaten their presidential ambitions in 2010 if De Castro turns out to be a good leader in the next two years. But what can these presidential wannabes say? They are either for or against the constitutional process. If they are against, then they have no business running for any office.”

but wait. manuel buencamino posted excerpts from raul gonzalez’s business mirror column “that man, noli” where ate glue’s justice secretary is all praise for the vice president and thinks he’s going to make a good president.

“The recent SWS survey has confirmed this perception because Vice President Noli topped the SWS survey, beating such declared presidentiables as Senate President Manny Villar, Sen. Loren Legarda and Sen. Mar Roxas II….

“I would like to impress upon the public that during Cabinet meetings, VP Noli is always in my radar screen, and I see that the Vice President has the intelligence, the clear grasp of the problems and is equipped with the stature of leadership, which a national leader must possess.”

oh no. totoo nga yata ang tsismis na nakikipag-negotiate na ang gma camp with noli, you know, in case the shit hits the fan, she’ll make way for him but he promises her and fg immunity from suit and all that jazz.

worse, a couple of reactions to mbuencamino raise warning flags. one says: “If you only knew/know what he did at the office of the vice president. He is one person who only thinks of himself. Ask the people who know him.”

another shares a text message that has been circulating: “If you think VP Noli de Castro is a good alternative, you should continue reading. The P200 MILLION house & lot bought by VP Noli de Castro 2 months ago was given to his girlfriend Lucille Ortille. He acquired the property from Lucille Carlos & the exact address is 2256 Paraiso St Dasmarinas Village Makati City.”

hay naku. paano na nga ba. since we want to do this the constitutional way (the world will call it mob rule, but at least it’s constitutional), we might not have a choice. but maybe the people could impose certain conditions? noli has to promise transparency in all transactions involving public monies? how about promising to take the arroyos to court a la erap? the people should draft / craft a “we, the people” kind of document for noli to sign. this way we take people power to a new level. i know, i’m dreaming . . .