raised fists, left & right

to my surprise, watching news video of the greenhills mass for jun lozada, in particular the singing of bayan ko, brought goose pimples. what a rare sight. the church-going middle-class with fists raised, many with great gusto, some self-consciously, and a few who just wouldn’t, or couldn’t, yet. oh, and one who flashed the L (laban) sign instead. never mind, they’ll get around to it, once they’re mad enough, and engaged enough, in the struggle for nation.

so is this a triumph for the communist left, that the raised fist has become the signal, too, of middle-class resistance? i think not. i think it’s mostly just the appeal of that palaban posture — it feels right (never mind that it’s left) and feels appropriate to the situation, as in dramatic and fraught with tension. ideologically, however, the middle-class is more rejectionist (RJ) than reaffirmative (RA) of joma sison, which is a great divide.

so how do we tell them apart, the true leftists from the bourgeois middle-class? i’m not sure about RJs, but certainly RAs raise left fists, burgis churchgoers raise the right.

“harapan” nina korina’t ricky: HARANG! 2

if they truly wanted to serve the nation, korina and ricky should have done a definitive recap of the aborted nbn-zte deal, starting with jarius bondoc’s andjoey de venecia’s testimonies on to romulo neri’s and jun lozada’s. then maybe korina herself would be clearer about benjamin abalos’ sordid role in the whole shebang. instead, they allowed abalos to repeat himself ad nauseam on hamburjer worth dying for, nowhow idiotic is that!

“harapan” nina korina’t ricky: HARANG!

anc’s korina sanchez and ricky carandang roundly deserved the put-down by sister mary john mananzan, o.s.b. [order of st. benedict; she taught us religion and history in high school] when she minced no words and declared UNFAIR the way they had set up the show so that the promised lozada-abalos face-off turned out to be a forum for abalos and panelo and razon and formoso and dee to launch a sustained attack on lozada without giving the guy equal time each time to respond. UNFAIR talaga. mabuhay! si sister mary john who was so incensed, she was prepared to give up her time on cam in favor of lozada.

what were korina and ricky thinking? sa halip na maliwanagan ang bayan, lalo lang nilang ginulo! what a waste of valuable time and what a waste of a nationwide captive audience who was expecting NOT a rehash, nay, a parody, of the senate investigation, complete with insultuhan at taasan ng boses, but rather who was expecting and wanting to be clarified, affirmed, enlightened.

what were korina and ricky thinking? can it be that they themselves don’t believe jun lozada and didn’t think he deserved ample time to answer the brickbats thrown at him? or were they just being their commercial selves, trying to get as many sensational soundbites out of as many talking heads as possible, treating the audience as though we were children with short attention spans? or maybe they’re just hedging their bets, in case gma and her cohorts prevail?

this is the problem with media’s attitude that their job is only to inform, that is, to report or give voice to both sides of an issue, but not to sway us one way or another. not for them to take sides. not for them to advocate anything except freedom of the press, never mind what they do or don’t do with that freedom. all they seem to be capable of is skepticism. which is really a cop-out, a way out for people who don’t have a real grasp of issues and therefore do not have the confidence and the nerve to take a stand. which is no way to serve the nation.

pasalamat sila na hindi sila pinahiya ni jun lozada by walking out on the show even if he had every reason to. what a guy. what a class act.

as for korina and ricky, i do believe they owe jun lozada a proper apology.

it’s a garci moment

GMA: Resign Now! is the call of Action for Economic Reforms.

The Philippines is not lacking in laws and institutions against corruption and plunder . . .

“Much effort has been undertaken to address chronic corruption . . .

“Despite all this, what is missing is the simplest answer to the problem: Fighting corruption is a question of leadership.

“Since the leadership itself is brazenly engaged in  plunder, corruption remains unabated . . .

“The plunder exemplified by the ZTE-NBN deal goes all the way up to GMA . . .

“With GMA’s repeated betrayal of the public trust, she has no right to sit as President a minute longer.”

the problem is, it’s also true what anti-opposition (not necessarily pro-gma) forces are saying: replacing her with noli de castro or manny villar or mar roxas or loren legarda or chiz escudero or brother eddie or, even, fvr, or, even, god forbid, erap, will again mean a cosmetic, rather than deep-seated change. i don’t see any of them (or anyone on the horizon) capable of surprising us with a pro-filipino vision and pro-filipino program of government, much less someone with a handle on political currents local and global who truly believes in the filipino and has the charisma to inspire and unite us fractious filipinos into a creative whole, rising above our divided selves and finding common grounds and new, equitable, ways of relating and dealing and doing business with each other for each other.

but then mataas ang pangarap ko para sa bayan. someday, sana. hope springs eternal. meanwhile, really, it’s impossible not to be affected by jun lozada’s revelations, not because they’re so surprising, but just because they confirm our suspicions about every big government transaction, suspicions handed down, in my case, by my parents and grandparents.

so yes, gma, resign! to signal man lang that it’s not okay, how she’s using the power, not even if it were true that the economy was booming.

so yes, i’m even willing to settle for noli de castro. manny and mar and loren and chiz will just have to grin and bear it, for the sake of the whole.