Category: satur sulit


Satur Sulit

It is never too late to re-invent a country
A man or a horse maybe too old for changing
But a country inherits the life of the ages
What daily we renew potentially forever
It depends on the energies we are able to harness
When things take a turn and history beckons


Satur Sulit

when lying and stealing are the order of the day
their taxes to government people don’t like to pay
come time to cough up for the sake of civility
they don’t give to government, they give it to charity

alms and donations, free missions and foundations
sweepstakes, fundraisers, now gameshows are the fashion
charity as entertainment, just line up the needy
cold cash and goodies, but only to the lucky

it’s all tax deductible, that is the beauty of it
in the name of the poor the rich are forgiven it
while government sleeps enjoying the subsidies
content with satisfying its sponsors’ necessities


Satur Sulit

everyone is guilty
the law does not impress
we are all in the breach
everyone is an outlaw

the order of the day is anarchy
any order is incidental
the actions of conspirators
movingin and out of order

no order is permanent
its momentum is limited
by the power of its spin
it is order with no future

our purpose is singular
to survive at all costs
nothing is forbidden
everyone is guilty


Satur Sulit

To constitute ourselves
to organize together
our individual worlds
according to the rules
that will strictly bind us
To decide for ourselves
from the raw material
of our daily encounters
how together and how apart
we wish to be
A real constitution
must be homemade
not for leaders and experts
appointed or elected
to argue over themselves
The true constitution
is that which wells up
from the deeply felt needs
of our changing persons
living our shared lives
the agreements we reach
together and apart
step by step and vote by vote
in our neighborhoods
by our neighborhoods in community
by the communities of a watershed
by watersheds in their bioregions
and only then together
by a nation of sustainable life
Duly constituted
by a true democracy at work